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Mid-Cities Genealogical Society
Are you delving into your family history or embarking on a journey of genealogical research?
Feeling overwhelmed with where to start or how to organize all the information you've gathered?
Let the Mid-Cities Genealogical Society be your guiding light with an array of free resources tailored to your needs.

Explore our comprehensive collection of aids designed to streamline your genealogy research:
  • Genealogy Forms and Charts  - Access a variety of free blank genealogy forms and charts to help you document and organize your family tree effectively.
  • Helpful Genealogy and Research Websites - Discover a curated list of categorized websites recommended by our members and guest speakers, offering valuable resources to aid in your research journey!
  • Useful Genealogy Facts - Dive into a wealth of miscellaneous articles, timelines, glossaries, and other valuable facts related to genealogy, providing insights and context to enhance your understanding.
  • State and Territorial Censuses  - Access a comprehensive list of census records compiled by individual States in the US, facilitating your search for ancestral information across various regions.
Whether you're a novice or a seasoned researcher, MCGS  is here to support you every step of the way in uncovering your family's rich heritage and lineage.